Eyes to See

After finding a heart-shaped rock a couple years ago, I started seeing them and picking them up.  I put them in my rose garden, and this fall, gathered the smaller ones into a rusty old colander and put them in my studio to enjoy.

A lot of dirt work is being done in our town, and lately I’ve been seeing a plethora of heart-shaped rocks.  God didn’t make more, nor strew them along my path, so why am I finding so many?  I think seeing heart-shaped rocks every day in my studio changed my awareness and tuned me in to spotting them on my walks.  


It’s not unlike spending time in Scripture, as daily devotion creates an attentiveness that goes with you through the day.  When we daily immerse ourselves in the Word, the Holy Spirit changes our perception of the world around us.  We grow “eyes to see” and “ears to hear” that which we didn’t notice before.  If we pay attention, something will happen during the day to reaffirm what we read- proof that the Holy Spirit is always with us, teaching, guiding, convicting and comforting, growing in us the heart to be the hands and feet of Christ.  


Heart-shaped rocks are still just rocks, but seeing them every day set my mind to notice them.  It’s like a radio frequency.  If I make news, politics, social media hatred or the hapless state of humanity the focus of my morning routine, that’s what I’ll be tuned to see all around me, all day.  We all know “downer” people who constantly point out faults; it’s what they’re watching for, what they’ve tuned themselves to see. When I tune to the frequency of God’s promises in Scripture, I’ll more easily find peace and hope in world events and discern His working through our tragedies and struggles. 


Unlike the rocks in my studio, a Bible won’t change our awareness by sitting on a table; it must be opened, studied, poured over with the Holy Spirit to give understanding.  We have to search the Word with an open heart, seeking wisdom as silver or hidden treasure.  He will guard our path when our eyes and hearts are focused on Him.


As I continue finding heart-shaped rocks, I’ll remind myself how devotion to God’s Word tunes me to seeing it brought to life each day, heavenly treasures.